Supermoto Felgenaufkleber std Englisch


54,58 €

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Supermoto Felgenaufkleber std Englisch
(0 Rezension)

Hochwertige Supermoto Felgenaufkleber Motorrad, passend für KTM, Kawasaki und GASGAS. Wetterfeste Felgenrandaufkleber, langlebig und robust.

54,58 € 54.58 EUR 54,58 € Inkl. MwSt. 62,98 €

54,58 € Inkl. MwSt. 62,98 €

Nicht zum Verkauf verfügbar

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Hersteller :
One-Wheel e.K. Inhaber Mirco Naß / Husumer Straße 71 / 24941 Flensburg / E-Mail:
100% Original lizenzierte Artikel
Lieferzeit 2- 7 Werktage
Ab 100 Euro Kostenlose Lieferung in Deutschland

Standard  Spoked Wheel Rim Decal for Supermoto

This item is a Supermoto standard wheel rim sticker.

Allgemeines zu Standard Felgenaufklebern

Standard rim stickers are cut from special foils and applied using transfer tape onto the rims or other parts. These stickers are available in various colors from the color chart, including neon and metallic shades. 

 Neon and metallic colors are available.
 Rim removal is not necessary.
 All colors from the color chart are possible (no special color requests).
  Matte and glossy finishes are possible.
  Suitable for 17'' rims with 32 or 36 spokes (Contact us for other sizes).
 All stickers can be individually reordered upon request.
  Can be overlaid with clear coat.
  Weights for balancing the rim can be attached to the rim stickers. 
 Does not adhere to matte or rough surfaces.

  We can customize the design according to your preferences. Incorporating a different logo or text is feasible. Please send us a message before placing an order. Additional costs might be incurred based on the complexity of the request.

Das Set beinhaltet

 2x rim bed stickers (1x front and 1x rear)

 16x pre-curved rim stripes (left and right, as well as front and rear)

 1x installation manual (YouTube installation guide recommended)

Specify your color preference:

You can select a color from our color chart and indicate it during the ordering process in the box labeled "Please enter your color preference or special request.

  1. Add the item with your chosen color to the cart.
  2. Open the cart.
  3. " Click on "Proceed to checkout.
  4. Sign in or register, enter billing/shipping address, and confirm.
  5. Now, enter your color preference in the box labeled "Enter color preference here.

Caution! Please be sure to specify the color numbers.

Notes on colors:
 You can modify and freely combine all colors.
     Just contact us by phone or email, and we'll change the color for free.
  For instance, if you want the rim stripes in red and the rim bed in black, you can specify that during the ordering process.
  Neon colors and metallic shades (gold, silver) are possible.


In our installation video, you will receive comprehensive instructions on how to apply Premium Wheel stickers.

Additionally, there are tips and tricks on how to effectively prevent wrinkles and air bubbles.

Watch the video

⬇ Farbe ⬇ blau oder gelb oder grün oder orange oder pink oder rot oder weiss
⬇ Ausführung ⬇ glänzend oder matt oder neonfarbend
Anzahl Speichen 32 Speichen oder 36 Speichen
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